
Vilnius Chess Club unifies many people of various nationalities, age or occupations who have a common hobby and passion – chess.

Club members have organized hundreds of different format tournaments in cafes, open spaces and even Lithuanian parliament. Everyone is kindly invited to play – age, gender, ethnicity, religion, education or political views do not matter.

You can meet pensioner, businessman, painter or Member of Parliament here, local or foreigner – everyone is welcome! We keep friendly, warm and respectful atmosphere here. The only requirements – know how chess pieces move and have desire to play.

When needed, VCC also organizes or assists with closed tournaments for organizations or their clients

Between games many new acquaintances or interesting discussions start here. Some may think it's strange, but tournament result usually does not matter as much as the atmosphere and communication, which often extends to late night.

Date in club logo – 1887 – marks the start of first chess community in Vilnius, which acitivities VCC succeeds to this day.