Club Membership

DĖMESIO – nuo 2024-08-20 taikoma nuolaida narystei iki 2024 metų pabaigos – tik 25 Eur.

You are invited to become a club member for 2024! The fee is 50 Eur.

In addition, family discount is now applied – the membership fee for asecond member of the family is 40 Eurfor third and others it is 30 Eur.

Ways to buy the membership:

  • transferring the fee to our bank account:
    • Account details:
      Vilniaus šachmatų klubas, VšĮ
      LT67 7044 0600 0791 4577
      AB SEB Bankas
    • if you do not plan to receive the card in live tournaments, please contact e-mail
  • with cash during weekly tournaments in Užupis Cafe (a receipt is provided)

List of VCC members

Member benefits:

  • participation on Weekly Blitz tournaments is free;
  • 30% nuolaida VŠK suaugusiųjų pamokoms (pamokos nebevyksta);
  • entry fee discounts (up to 50%) in other club tournaments (exc. Stars & Stripes)
  • availability to particpate in member-only tournaments;
  • separate prizes for club players' category in tournaments
  • VCC membership card.
On membership card back there will be a chess problem to solve, we encourage exchanging these with other members